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Software for OS/VS2 MVS Release 3.8

Last updated 20th March 2020

DUCHESS - Chess computer program from Duke University.
DUCH3270 - 3270 graphics chessboard display add-on for Duchess.


- GETMAIN version supporting 24, 31 and 64 LOC= values.

IMON/370 - System monitor for MVS 3.8J.


- Clean up object decks before link edit.

LEXWARE - TSO Assembler and CLIST recreational software including LIFE.
OFFLMOD - Offload load modules to a sequential file.


- Offload fixed-length record PDS members to a sequential file.

PDSLOAD - Load PDS members from sequential input.
QUEUE - MVS 3.8J JES2 SPOOL display utility.
REVIEW - TSO full screen browser and editor for MVS/370.
REVLMOD - Reconstruct load modules from sequential input.
SHOWDS - TSO command to display data set attributes.
SIMZ9 - z/Architecture instruction simulator for MVS/370 applications.
SNAKE - Full screen TSO game.
SPY - TSO full screen display of 3270 system console screen.


- Transmit SYSIN SPF stats to Assembler source code.

TERMTEST - Test TSO 3270 terminal functionality.
TESTVTM2 - Test VTAM application.
WORM - Full screen TSO game.


- SUPERLST VTOC lister and volume space mapper.

Trying to debug software under MVS 3.8?

Take a serious look at the

MVS Dynamic Debug Tool

Alphabetical list of downloadable MVS 3.8 software

 DUCHESS - (6th May 2005)

  • Duchess 6.12.03 (1981-02-15) - the tournament-winning computer chess program from Duke University written by Tom Truscott, Bruce Wright and Eric Jensen.

    The zip file contains an AWS tape image of the Duchess distribution tape kindly supplied by Eric Jensen of Jensen Research Corporation, and a job stream for installing Duchess on MVS 3.8.

    Note that originally Duchess was written for OS/360 MVT.

    Note: If you choose to reassemble Duchess and use HLASM for the task, specify an OPTABLE setting in the parameter which does not recognize z/Architecture binary floating-point instructions. You could use OPTABLE(ESA) or OPTABLE(XA) or OPTABLE(370), for example. If this is not done invocations of a macro called SDB will not assemble correctly.

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 DUCH3270 - (4th Mar 2007)

Click on chessboard for screenshot.

ZIP file of as ASCII job stream to add 3270 graphics to an existing Duchess 6 installation.

2007-02-18 - Release 1.00 - Provide programmed symbol support.
2007-03-03 - Release 2.00 - Add vector graphics bitmap support.

Note: If assembling with HLASM specify an OPTABLE setting in the parameter which does not recognize z/Architecture binary floating-point instructions. You could use OPTABLE(ESA) or OPTABLE(XA) or OPTABLE(370), for example. If this is not done invocations of a macro called SDB will not assemble correctly.

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 GETMAIN - (26th August 2016)

  • A version of the GETMAIN macro for MVS 3.8 which supports most forms of the LOC= parameter used by Assembler programs.

    This version of GETMAIN has now been packaged into SMP usermod ZP60033.

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 IMON/370 - (1st Mar 2020)

Click here to see the Change Log.

  • IMON/370 is shipped as 2 XMIT files - one for an 80-byte record library and one for a program library - combined into a single zip archive.

    Option OT has now (2006-11-09) been enabled - see usermod ZP60017.

    Options J and VB cross-memory displays now (2008-10-26) require usermod ZP60023. If you have this usermod applied, ensure it is the latest (2016) version.

    Option K is now (2011-05-15) enabled. Install usermod ZP60030 to correct MF/1 channel activity data collection.

    The source code is now included in the download package.

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. INITOBJ - (24th Feb 2008)

Updated 2nd June 2010 - do not increment ESDID for LD, ER and WR ESD entries.

Updated 12th June 2010 - increment ESDID for all ESD types except LD.

Utility by Tom Armstrong which runs between Assemble (or compile) and Link Edit steps to clean up the object deck. Source and load module supplied.

Most object decks contain CSECTs which are not fully initialized, and which may not end on a doubleword boundary. These parts of the load module end up containing residual data from linkage editor buffers which can vary from compile to compile and make the detection of overlays more difficult.

INITOBJ will insert extra TXT records containing nulls or the specified FILL character so that CSECTs are fully initialized and unneeded private code CSECTs are not generated to fix doubleword alignment shortfalls. Summary report is by WTO or detailed report to the optional REPORT file if present.

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 LEXWARE - (27th Dec 2001)

A package of MVS recreational software by my good friend Lex Eremin (1956-02-29 to 2001-12-25).

  • Although this stuff is in my CBT file (134) I thought I'd place it here for anyone who wants to check it out on an MVS 3.8 system, which is basically the system level it was written on (MVS/SE2 to be more precise). If you work on OS/390 systems and look after DFHSM, you might find Lex's $HMLIST and $HBLIST commands useful (also available from CBT file 134).

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 OFFLMOD - (3rd Oct 2003)

C program by Jason Winter to sequentialise load modules into REVLMOD format. It performs the same function as the OFFLOAD subcomand of REVIEW when used on load modules, but can be used as a stand-alone TSO command or batch job utility. Source as well as ready-to-link object deck included.

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 OFFLOAD - (10th Mar 2008)

Updated 29th November 2009 - improve ISPF stats handling.

The latest load module for all z/OS, OS/390, MVS and probably OS/360 versions.

  • OFFLOAD is shipped here in REVLMOD format. The source is in CBT file 93. A copy of the load module is in CBT file 135. This version has been fixed to handle unblocked PDS data sets without an S013-4C abend.

    Changes made in "0909" improve the processing of ISPF statistics:

    1. The seconds part of the modification timestamp is now processed allowing an IEBCOMPR TYPORG=PO compare (of before OFFLOAD and after PDSLOAD) to match exactly.
    2. ISPF extended statistics introduced with z/OS 1.11 are now supported.

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 PDSLOAD - (13th Jan 2002)

Updated 10th May 2009.
Updated 29th November 2009 - improve ISPF stats handling.
Updated 21st February 2012 - refresh from CBT file 93.

The latest source for all z/OS, OS/390, MVS and probably OS/360 versions.

  • PDSLOAD is shipped here as an XMIT package containing the source, sample IFOX00 assemble JCL, and sample run JCL. The source is also in CBT file 93. A copy of the load module is in CBT file 135. Like REVLMOD, PDSLOAD can be run as a batch utility, and can be called dynamically by the REVIEW command processor under TSO.

    Changes made in "0909" improve the processing of ISPF statistics:

    1. The seconds part of the modification timestamp is now processed allowing an IEBCOMPR TYPORG=PO compare (of before OFFLOAD and after PDSLOAD) to match exactly.
    2. ISPF extended statistics introduced with z/OS 1.11 are now supported.

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 QUEUE - (29th Mar 2020) is a "spruced up" version of QUEUE (JES2 SPOOL browser) for MVS 3.8J.

 REVIEW - (27th July 2024 - R51.3)

As from Release 44 GA (January 2014), all REVIEW downloadable components can be accessed from the REVIEW home page where you can track the latest release of each component and choose which parts you want to download.

Click here to see the release dates for releases previously available from this page.

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 REVLMOD - (27th Dec 2001)

Updated 3rd October 2003 for Release 37.0.
Output load library now serialised with linkage editor.

This is an MVS 3.8-oriented repackaging of the REVLMOD utility.

If you have already installed REVLMOD then you do not need to reinstall it. This packaging is a ZIP file of an ASCII job stream to assemble (IFOX00) and link the REVLMOD program. The function of REVLMOD is to reconstruct load modules from EBCDIC or binary card images (fixed-length 80-byte records). This allows the transmission of executable programs in sequential files to and from systems which may or may not have the TSO/E TRANSMIT/RECEIVE facility (ie. between old systems and new systems, IBM systems and non-IBM systems, emulated systems and "real" systems). The sequential files are constructed using the REVIEW command, or the OFFLMOD program.

REVLMOD source and a job stream using the High Level Assembler is available via the REVIEW home page.

Click here for a background discussion on installing software with REVLMOD, with sample JCL.

Click here for a background discussion on PDS member offload and reload processing.

The load modules downloadable from this page are shipped in REVLMOD format. Volker Bandke's MVS Turnkey CD #3 comes with REVLMOD installed.

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 SHOWDS - (5th Oct 2003)

Updated 16th April 2006.

An ASCII job stream to assemble and link the SHOWDS TSO command (with alias SDS) and install the TSO HELP member.

SHOWDS can display VTOC information without allocating the data set and can process either a data set name or a DD name, which also means it is easy to check on temporary data sets. Another Bill Godfrey gem - once you've used it you won't want to use LISTDS again.

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 SIMZ9 - (18th Jan 2008)

2016 update:
Made available for reference purposes only - you should instead use platforms now available which make this obsolete!

Package by Tom Armstrong to allow the simulation of various z/Architecture instructions under MVS/370 by using the MVS SPIE facility.

Macros to allow IFOX00 to assemble the supported instructions are also supplied, as well as a general front-end program to allow the execution of existing load modules.

Supported instructions for simulation are:

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  • AFI Add Immediate
    AHI Add Halfword Immediate
    ALFI Add Logical immediate
    BASSM Branch and Save and Set Mode
    BRAS Branch Relative and Save
    BRASL Branch Relative and Save Long
    BRC Branch Relative on Condition
    BRCL Branch Relative on Condition Long
    BRCT Branch Relative on Count
    BSM Branch and Set Mode
    NILF And Immediate
    NILH And immediate
    NILL And Immediate
    CFI Compare Immediate
    CHI Compare Halfword Immediate
    CKSM Checksum
    CLFI Compare Logical Immediate
    XILF Exclusive Or Immediate
    IILF Insert Immediate
    IILH Insert Immediate
    IILL Insert Immediate
    IPM Insert Program Mask
    LARL Load Address Relative Long
    LB Load Byte
    LBR Load Byte
    LHI Load Halfword Immediate
    LLC Load Logical Character
    LLCR Load Logical Character
    LLH Load Logical Halfword
    LLHR Load Logical Halfword
    LLILF Load Logical Immediate
    LLILH Load Logical Immediate
    LLILL Load Logical Immediate
    LT Load and Test
    LRV Load Reversed
    LRVH Load Reversed Halfword
    OILF Or Immediate
    OILH Or Immediate
    OILL Or Immediate
    SAM24 Set Addressing Mode - 24 bit addressing
    SAM31 Set Addressing Mode - 31 bit addressing
    STRV Store Reversed
    STRVH Store Reversed Halfword
    TAM Test Addressing Mode
    TMLH Test Under Mask High
    TMLL Test Under mask Low
    TP Test Decimal
    TRTR Translate and Test Reverse
    TRE Translate Extended
    TROO Translate One to One (ETF2 installed)
    TROT Translate One to Two (ETF2 installed)
    TRTO Translate Two to One (ETF2 installed)
    TRTT Translate Two to Two (ETF2 installed)

 SNAKE - (27th Oct 2003)

Updated 26th January 2010.

An ASCII job stream to install a 3270 TSO version of the UNIX game called SNAKE.

The maximum supported screen size is now increased to 16,384 display locations which is the limit for 14-bit addressing.

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 SPY - (30th Mar 2003)

An ASCII job stream to install the SPY command to monitor console screens from TSO.

SPY needs to be APF authorised (achieved by being registered in CSECT IKJEFTE2) because at some release (3.7? 3.8?) MVS moved the console screen buffers into a fetch protected subpool. (This was a good move for system security/integrity, of course.) SPY forms the basis of IMON option OC. SPY uses macros from MACLIB, AMODGEN and APVTMACS, so customise the JCL accordingly.

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SYSINSPF - (24th Feb 2008)

Assembler function by Tom Armstrong to allow data from the SPF stats of the SYSIN member to be assigned to source code symbols (using the Assembler SETCF instruction) which can then be promulgated to the resultant load module.

This allows a load module to be precisely matched to a specific copy of the source code with not only date and time and size matching, but also the VV.MM and the userid - or just a subset of these. Assembler source code only provided. To assemble you'll need an Assembler which this function could work with such as HLASM (for z/OS) or the Tachyon Legacy Assembler (for MVS 3.8).

This function only works if the Assembler source code is read from SYSIN (and not an override file name) and only if SYSIN points to a PDS (or PDSE) member with SPF statistics.

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 TERMTEST - (15th Oct 2003)

Updated 17th October 2003 to level 11.3 to fix SB00 abend.

An ASCII job stream to install the TERMTEST command for TSO terminal testing and problem diagnosis.

TERMTEST does not use the CPPL so it can actually be called as a program if need be. As well as displaying terminal "hardware" characteristics TERMTEST also provides a primitive (but functional) symbol editor, with the ability to write out the Assembler source DC statements for easy incorporation into the source code of other full screen applications.

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 TESTVTM2 - (11th Feb 2003)

A VTAM test application written by Binyamin Dissen. This version was produced by slightly hacking the CBT file 485 version to better suit the free VTAM of MVS 3.8.

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 WORM - (27th Oct 2003)

An ASCII job stream to install a 3270 TSO version of the UNIX game called WORM. Can you become the top wormoglodyte? This version includes Worm-O-Matic - the worm autopilot which can be a bit of a CPU hog, so there is an optional one or two decimal digit program parameter or command operand which specifies the target maxmum TCB CPU time percentage. A breakthrough in mainframe games technology.

A version translated into PL/I for OS/2 is also included.

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XVTCLIST - (10th May 2009)

Updated 3rd June 2018 to fix resetting for the next volume.

Source code for the SUPERLST/XVTCLIST VTOC listing and volume space mapping utility. It is high-performance because it reads a whole VTOC track with a single EXCP. This version has been back-levelled for MVS 3.8J (CVAF support commented out, changed so that it can be assembled by IFOX00 with MVS 3.8 macro libraries). Further, the DSCB-per-track number is now obtained from the format-4 DSCB instead of from a pre-coded table, so emulated disks with incorrect geometry numbers (for the device type) in the VTOC can still be processed properly.

The source PDS is shipped here in XMIT format. The assemble and link JCL is in member XVTOCASM. Sample JCL to run it is in member SUPERLST.

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For enquiries or feedback please email Greg Price.


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